
Domingo 12 de Maio


O Cantaloupe Café, nos Mercados de Olhão, tem o prazer de anunciar que vai apresentar no próximo dia 12 de maio Domingo as 18h45, um espetáculo com:

Jared Peters trio

Alein Steinbert           Guitar
Carlos Moratalla         Bass
Jared Peters               Trompet

Bringing together an all-star trio of musicians, Jared Peters will perform new arrangements of his original compositions.

Jared, still new to the Seville jazz scene, was born and raised in rural Pennsylvania. He began composing when he started college in 2015 and recorded his first EP in 2019 entitled "All You Dreams Come True." His compositions, while easily classifiable as jazz, draw on a variety of musical influences, from Appalachian music to punk rock, early music, Latin music, pop music, and more. In his latest compositions, Peters is even experimenting with the sounds he experienced playing in a Semana Santa band last year. With such an eclectic sound palette, this is sure to be a performance that features the unexpected.


Reservas pelo tel.: 289 704 397

Durante os espectáculos de música ao vivo, ao 1º consumo, aplica-se uma majoração de 8.00€ (oito euros) para cada consumidor.

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