
Domingo 29 de Outubro


O Cantaloupe Café, nos Mercados de Olhão, tem o prazer de anunciar que vai apresentar no próximo dia 29 de Outubro, Domingo as 18h30 o espetáculo:


 „Quero Alegria“

Giotto Roussies                 Piano,composition

 Hugo Santos           Bass

 Marcelo Araújo       Drums

. The trio ties in with jazz tradition, offering their own original compositions and interpreting jazz standards skillfully and unpretentiously. Bluesy riffs, poppy, almost Folk-like sounds, a touch of romantic Classical piano-works, a bouncy Samba or a Modern Jazz Waltz invite the listener on a trip of moody Beauty. As the Name of the Album Suggests and without a lack of depth, the music of the Giotto Roussies Trio is joyful and conveys a feeling happyness and well being. What more do we want?

“With admirable ease, the Giotto Roussies Trio have joined the ranks of great artists... self-confident and natural, with the infinite lightness of play...” "Dreamlike pictures of experiential landscapes combined with the density of abstract elements, experimental jazz and free improvisations. The possibilities of this instrumentation are beautifully explored and merge into a unique band sound"

Reservas pelo tel.: 289 704 397

Durante os espetáculos de música ao vivo, ao 1º consumo, aplica-se uma majoração de 8.00€ (oito euros) para cada consumidor.

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