Cantaloupe Café, nos Mercados de Olhão, tem o prazer de anunciar que vai
apresentar no próximo dia 24 de novembro
Domingo as 18h30, um espetáculo com:
Matti Klein Soul trio
Matti Klein Wurlitzer , Fender Rhodes
Lars Zander Bass clarinet/
André Seidel Drums
Matti Klein gained his
reputation as one of the most interesting young German groove jazz players with
his former band "Mo' Blow" and as MD of Ed Motta with more than 300 concerts
in Germany and abroad and the release of three albums on the renowned ACT Music
label. His passion for vintage instruments like Wurlitzer, Rhodes bass and
clavinet and his groove infused original compositions are the main inspiration
for his own Matti Klein Soul Trio of vintage keys, bass clarinet/tenor sax and
As a trio, the three musicians create a sound
that sounds like much more than a trio.
Reservas pelo tel.: 289
704 397
Durante os espectáculos de
música ao vivo, ao 1º consumo, aplica-se uma majoração de 9.00€ (nove euros)
para cada consumidor.